Who knew painting a coop...


7 Years
Feb 27, 2012
Inland Empire, Southern California
My Coop
My Coop
could be dangerous! Just got home from Urgent Care. I split my scalp open while painting the coop. They wanted me to get to ER because my bp was high and because of how hard I hit my head. I refused and asked them to just clean it and stitch me up. Who the heck can afford $250 copay for the ER? Not I, not right now. I still owe them $50 for last time. I ended up with 3 staples. They don't numb you for staples. LOL That was fun, actually it wasn't that bad. My nose piercing hurt way more. Now I can't wash my hair for 3 days. siiigh That's not easy for me. I like to wash my hair everyday. All I have to say is the coop better be AWESOME by the time it's done!
I feel like I have a wicked hangover, nausea included! Blech! I'm honestly not exactly sure how I did it. All I know it my kids heard it and came running. I know I was in the chicken run going to paint the front of the coop and I'm not sure if I stepped into the cross beam or stood up under it. I can't remember that part. lol What I do know is Hubby freaked out that I was able to hurt myself bad enough to need staples that he got rid of the cross beam by the time I got home. He also got the run completely finished! Woot! Now the birds can really stretch their legs today. Well it might rain...
I found your thread.....sorry that happened to you.....especially when you are so excited to start out....I see me love the same bird :).....paint that coop ...I have a feeling I'll have some extras when i get my bator going....hehehehehhe...........everyone should have silkies and cochins
LOL Yes actually I do want to get 2 or 3 more pullets. My Black Cochin Frizzle died which broke my heart, so I only have one Frizzle left. We were also talking about maybe getting some buff silkies. Hubby loves the coloring of them.

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