who lays first?

When a chicks gotta lay, she's gotta lay.....lol
Really I can't say but I don't think it matters if they are free ranged or not. What I think matters is the age & breed and chicks system itself.
Whichever one is getting the optimal nutrition to mature at the optimal rate, I would imagine, whether that be from free ranging or commercial feed. :)

I've heard of chooks on inferior feed maturing (and therefore starting to lay) later.
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I live in a suburb of Chicago and my birds range in our yard on average of 6 hours a day. They have access to water, layer feed (organic) (not that that matters) and have free choice grit and oyster shells. They also get some kitchen scraps and some scratch once in awhile.

I have 1 delaware, 2 Black Australorps and 1 EE. abot 22 weeks old. Obviously I want them to lay, but was just curious if anyone has heard of any studies on this topic. Regardless, mine will range in yard as much as I can let them. They are the best thing to watch etc...
M.sue :

When a chicks gotta lay, she's gotta lay.....lol
Really I can't say but I don't think it matters if they are free ranged or not. What I think matters is the age & breed and chicks system itself.


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