Who says when you cut a sandwich....

I dont like my sandwiches cut diagonal.The sharp corners hurt my mouth.

A sandwich cut horizontal or vertical just need a 45 degree spin to make it diagonal.
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I've always like diagonal, but at our house we cut the kid's sandwiches in silly ways....like three rectangles or triangles of different sizes. Not always, but sometimes the kiddos get the funny sandwiches.
I have never given it much thought, but then again, I don't eat sandwiches.
This reminded me of what a neighbor told me many years ago. She said it was rude to offer an adult a drink in a plastic cup. Hmm..never bothers me. I am just grateful for what is in the cup, not the container that holds it.
I didn't know that there were 'sandwich rules.' Guess that I grew up in a simpler (play on words) time. As a kid we cut our PBJ sandwiches in long strips and then dunked them in milk.
Sourland does not cut his sandwiches. He grips them in two hands never setting them down until they have been consumed. In the 'Man Book' it says that is the proper protocol.
corner to corner but it really don't make any difference to me. It just looks better and easier on the mouth without the sandwich touching your cheeks when you bite down on it.
My Girl Book must have taken a page from your Man Book Sour - the heck with cutting I say... just make it, grab it, eat it and enjoy it!


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