Who wants to come clean my coop?

Hi! I'll *trade* coop-cleaning / chicken chores with you (I bet I get the better end of the deal!).

lol, I have 10 indoor pens a kennel and shed and then I have 2 wood sheds and a sick pen to clean. It takes a full day to clean. My boys owe me so they clean 3 a week. YUCKY work!
You just need to pace yourself.

do one one week and then the other the next. Or hire someone like I do for 7.25 and hour. do one yourself and pay someone to do the other.
Uggh I cleaned mine out this past weekend, the shavings were so frozen and nasty. It was around 35 degrees so I thought everything would be unfrozen enough to move but not unfrozen enough to stink. I was wrong on both accounts. I had to use a metal scraper, a crowbar and hammer to get the bottom layer of poo shavings off the coop floor. I'm still sore from it!

Makes me re-think chicken math a bit.

Just a bit.
Oh Oh Oh.... Hold your breath and I'll be right over!!!!!! But it will take me a few days to drive there, I'm in NY. NOT.
Try and get the energy up and do it. Sorry but I just had to break your chops. I am falling behind on my own work around here due to the huge amounts of snow this year.
Thats cheating!!!!
pay someone to do your dirty work


Well I do help some but I just can't drag the crap across the yard to the garden. I don't plan to help next time. I met a guy who pays a kid $15 to clean his and it takes the kid 3 hrs.
I pay 12.00 an hour to get my coops and barns cleaned. Give them 10.00 for gas and feed them lunch!

And it is still hard to find someone trustworthy to work here. I have a small john deere tractor with bucket so we pull up to doors and load the bedding and drive it out to compost pile.

Just my gripe here but with all the people who claim to be looking for a job they sure don't want to do dirty farm work around here! Claim they get unemployment and do not want to mess with it.... Goodness I pay cash too....

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