Whole foods?

I'd encourage you to continue to post if you'd like, to help keep yourself accountable, if that helps you.

I think everyone has different things that work for them, and the hardest part for you right now, is figuring out what works for you! Me and my husband are very different in that way. When he needs to lose weight, he will cut out sugar entirely. Having a little piece is just torture for him. For me though, cutting sugar out completely makes me just give up on a diet altogether. That's why I give myself rewards, like a few individual chocolates.

I think your intentions are excellent but you may be trying to do too much too fast. It's a giant challenge to go from eating however you feel like, to eating whole foods. It's okay to start with small changes and work your way up. For example, start with changing all your drinks to water, and give yourself a goal of eating a certain number of veggies/fruits a day. After a week or so of that, change one meal a day (breakfast is easiest) to something ultra healthy. Build on that, all the little changes add up. You can do this!
I agree. Don't overwhelm yourself. Start with the small things; a teaspoon of sugar on cereal instead of a tablespoon... Honey instead if sugar in tea, etc.. You probably didn't want the ice cream for 2 reasons, 1. You ate the pear and yep, your body got what it needed for sugar, and 2 you made yourself feel guilty ;) That can sometimes make a person crave MORE sugar to give them that rush of endorphins and make them feel better. Yes, sugar gets you "high" ;)

My sugar addiction was helped with having kids. Sugary cereal, candy on holidays, cookies galore, they love pancakes...syrup oh yeahhhh lol.. My youngest has 4 cavities. :(

That's when I started to cut the sugar out, watching my little girl have to have cavities filled broke my heart and made me feel like a horrible mother. So I started small, no more cereal. Oatmeal, creamed rice, sometimes I'll get them some Life or granola. They love yogurt with granola and fresh fruit. They kinda hated me there for a while, but now when I make a pie, they can barely eat one peice before they complain that's its too sugary and can't eat the rest. And they wont use syrup on the pancakes anymore; they prefer for me to make them a sauce, either with cooked berries or I make a banana foster type sauce with bananas and honey.

The kids have been my biggest motivator... That and if I even dare to open a package of candy, they're like hyenas sniffing out meat, so it makes me have to hide it and eat it in secret, which makes me feel like a felon lol, takes all the fun out of it :D
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The kids have been my biggest motivator... That and if I even dare to open a package of candy, they're like hyenas sniffing out meat, so it makes me have to hide it and eat it in secret, which makes me feel like a felon lol, takes all the fun out of it

I love the imagery!
I have not heard of it but wow that's interesting! I'll have to look into it! Thank you. Can you sprout any rice I wonder or only special rice?

Yeah, I haven't had it much, maybe once or twice, but heard it's supposed to be good for you so figured I'd try it.

And thank you

We'll see if it sticks. I tend to do this - buy lots of fruits and veggies and then either don't eat lots and it gets wasted OR I do eat it then go back to junk. So i will make an effort to stick to it this time lol

Just bought some premade salads the other day too and tons of kale and spinach

Only brown rice will sprout - white rice's germ has been removed, so it can't sprout. There's good info about sprouting rice here: http://www.culturesforhealth.com/learn/sprouting/how-to-sprout-brown-rice/. I buy the organic brown rice from Lundberg Family Farms and it works great.
I never thought about making my own ice cream! And yes, I've been more careful about avoiding that, though thankfully a lot of companies are starting to go natural now, though who knows what that means. And I've read conflicting things about carrageenan. Some said it was good, most said it was bad, so I wasn't sure haha
Thanks for the soup recipe!

I wasn't all that concerned about carrageenan until I realized that every time I drank a soy latte (and I used to drink a lot of them), I was getting a stomachache. I think many of the arguments for carrageenan's safety are focused on the fact that it's a "natural" product, derived from seaweed. We all know that not all natural substances are safe or good for human consumption, and a processed substance like carrageenan is a good example. If you're interested, the Cornucopia Institute has an informative article about it: https://www.cornucopia.org/2014/01/carrageenan-natural/.

I just about had a fit when I was looking at a pint of an ice cream made by a Vermont company that had a reputation for producing wholesome products and noticed that the ice cream contained carrageenan...very disappointing. Carrageenan has no business being in ice cream, or heavy cream - also saw lots of that during the holidays, I actually couldn't find a single container of heavy cream in the grocery store without it. Fortunately, I wasn't buying - I get mine elsewhere, and all it contains is cream.

Anyway, in November, the National Organic Standards Board voted to remove carrageenan from the National List of approved additives in organic food. I'm not going back to buying lattes again, but it's good to know that it won't be allowed in organic soy milk.
Only brown rice will sprout - white rice's germ has been removed, so it can't sprout. There's good info about sprouting rice here: http://www.culturesforhealth.com/learn/sprouting/how-to-sprout-brown-rice/. I buy the organic brown rice from Lundberg Family Farms and it works great.

That makes sense. White rice is generally less healthy anyway. But sorry, I guess what I more meant was will any brown rice sprout or only special kinds?

I'll look at those links. Thanks
Sorry, I forgot to reply but thanka again everyone :)

And yeah, i think i am probably starting too fast so i will start slower.

I did end up eating the ice cream even tho i didnt want it lol

But the next day my mom threw the rest away, including one unopened one, not ideal but oh well lol

Anyway, we've eaten out a lot this past week and lots of carbs like mac & cheese and pasta and bread so this week we gotta chill lol
KDOG..do you get out an walk?
Or do you have any hand weights?
You could start by just walking constantly during a commercial or grab a few cans of beans and hold them and do simple arm exercises while watching tv.
Im assuming you watch tv.

The fitbit really really helped me to get off my butt and walk.
KDOG..do you get out an walk?
Or do you have any hand weights?
You could start by just walking constantly during a commercial or grab a few cans of beans and hold them and do simple arm exercises while watching tv.
Im assuming you watch tv.

The fitbit really really helped me to get off my butt and walk.

Tbh I basically get zero exercise right now.. terrible, I know.


I forgot to post but I actually did manage to take Gator on a walk yesterday. Not a super long one but a walk none the less. And we also saw these 2 lovely older ladies, one of whom's daughter had the same breed mix but only a year old (Gator's almost 5), so we had a real nice chat about Gator and the breed/her dog, and Gator was extremely well behaved and calm surprisingly. Lol But all that's another story.

Oh and I also rode the bike for 25 minutes.

I don't know if we have hand weights but I'm sure we probably do somewhere or the bean thing like you said. We have loads of canned food. That's a great idea, I never thought of that. I've been watching TV more but usually I'm on my phone.

Thinking of ideas though, maybe I could kind of do laps? The hallway connects to other rooms in a kind of loop so I could walk around during the ads or during the day too? Not very long walk but at least moving instead of sitting all day. And I could make it longer by adding other rooms. Another idea is I could go up and down the stairs? Or do some sort of stair exercise or something?

I'm glad you suggested the arm stuff because I never would have thought of smaller exercises throughout the day. I guess it's kind of the same as the food thing, taking the changes slow? I was thinking I had to go on big long walks every day or whatever, which would be nice eventually, but maybe I need to just start moving at all first?

I could also take the dog to the mailbox several times a day? Our driveway is fairly long so it's a decent walk. Not like that long but probably like 1200 feet plus or minus some

Hmm maybe I will have to get a fitbit but i do wonder if there's anything cheaper.

I've also been thinking of starting this app called Couch To 5K but maybe just moving first would be better

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