whole new flock


9 Years
Jun 21, 2010
northern ohio
i have searched byc and found no answer so here it goes:

i am getting ready to build my shed/coop
and have decided that i want a variety of breeds
soooooo that being the case i understand the whole quaratine thing.
but my question is if i go to a swap meet the odds of finding someone selling the breeds i want that came out of the same flock is slim.
but i really dont want to have to do this in a lot of steps. so long story short has anyone had sucess buying a dozen chickens and throwing them together and not ending in trajedy?
Actually you should peruse the emergencies section. There are always sad stories on there about new birds bringing diseases with them. Many start with: "I know I shouldn't have".

That said, it is your option, and you COULD buy multiple birds at an auction and quarantine each in their own dog crate away from the air space of the other crates and washing hands between each one for a few weeks to see if any develop illness . I think that is impractical.

My suggestion is to either order rainbow layer chicks mix from some hatchery or peruse Craigslist in your area for someone looking to sell lots of hens of many varieties (someone who ordered rainbow layers last year or the year before). Then you can go to the owners place, see how they are raised/living and decide if they seem healthy enough. Go prepared to walk away if birds seem at all unhealthy.

Good Luck with whatever you decide.
I think I'd spend the Fall and Winter building the coop.
In Spring when all is ready, I'd order chicks from McMurray.
This way, I'd be totally prepared, I'd get my exact variety, and best of
all, the chickens have a much better chance of living in peace.

Introducing new flockmates is poor practice in my experience.
It's an invitation to trouble!
And swap meets are a risk. Why accept risk when you don't have to?

Good luck,
thanks for all the great advice! i will have to look into the hatcheries more....never heard of the rainbow layer chics.
there is so much to learn it is mind blowing! so glad i found BYC!!!
Find someone locally that sells chickens, go to the "where are you forum" and look for Ohio people.

I always by my chickens as pullets from local people, not from auctions, for a good price and have access to a variety of birds. You should be able to find some chicken crazy person in Ohio who breeds and shows ten or more breeds and is happy to sell you the ones that they don't want to show all from the same flock.

At least I never have trouble doing that in Iowa! (I know chicks are cute, but I find them too much trouble to raise when I can get healthy pullets for ten bucks).

In the future, if you want to q-tine a new small batch of chickens, build a simple chicken tractor.

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