Why A Run?

x2, except the decorating part.
I don't have a run. Mine free range all day. The coop gets locked up at night when they put themselves to bed. I may put in a run someday, but I've personally had no use for one. I am planning a garden next spring, but the garden will be fenced not the chickens.
Heck yeah, a hawk will take a standard (large fowl) chicken! I've lost a white rock and a light brahma - both fully grown GIANT hens - to hawks.

And as to the original question of why a run...
I free-range my flock on my mini-farm most of the time, but it's definitely nice to be able to keep the coop closed up (except the little pop door to the secure run) on a day when the weather is freezing cold or raining, or when I've recently lost a bird to a predator so it's not open season on my whole flock!
Our run is secure and attached to the coop so that they can go in and out as they please (the pop door is permanently open). Our lazy butts don't have to get up at the crack of dawn to let them into the run to hang out. It's a good place for them to scratch around in the straw when we can't be home to let them wander or if it's raining. And it keeps them from pooping all over my patio when I'm not home!
x2, except the decorating part.

Plus I want to know who the daddy is. My two flocks free range on alternate days.
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Quick question: when is a standard hen considered full grown?

Probably 5 months or so to be "adult sized" But will put on weight for another 12 months or so.

I let my 6 week old birds out to roam and haven't lost a baby yet. Admittedly, I am in the MIDDLE of a city... surrounded by highway, used car lots, half million dollar zero lot line homes, strip malls, and subdivisions. I don't have nearly the extent of predator issues one would have in the country. And I'm sure 40 years ago I could not do what I have been doing in the past 15 because it was not as developed back then and there were things like deer and wildlife.

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