Why are chicks sneezing?


In the Brooder
Sep 14, 2016
I have 4 easter eggers that I go from a farm supply store. They are 2 weeks old and on a non-medicated, organic chick starter. They have been sneezing for about five days now with no discharge. Yesterday I did notice a little moistness under one chicks nostrils and this morning two of them had it. It is just a tiny bit and they are still sneezing. Is this nothing or a disease? Is there any way to treat them? I have been putting vetrx under their wings and on their nostrils. I am very concerned because I don't want to spread any disease to my adult flock. Any help is much aappreciated!!!
It could be dust but I would look closely at the ventilation.
What is the brooder setup?
What size is the brooder? What kind of bedding?
I use a plastic bin that is 25 gallons. The bedding is straw. They were on my top floor for a little over a week and now they are in my basement and then they got wet nostrils.
Perhaps it is mold in the straw. It is pretty common.
That can cause aspergillosis among other things.
I would completely clean out the brooder using a mild bleach solution.
Pine shavings or sand would be a better bedding option.
Can you put a fan over the brooder to get some air movement?
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Perhaps it is mold in the straw. It is pretty common.
That can cause aspergillosis among other things.
I would completely clean out the brooder using a mild bleach solution.
Pine shavings or sand would be a better bedding option.
Can you put a fan over the brooder to get some air movement?

Bleach won't hurt them? Yes I will put a fan.
Well you have to take the chicks out first. Then dry it out. You're only using bleach at a 1:10 ratio with water. It shouldn't leave residue on plastic.

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