Why are Giant Runts hard to find nowadays?


Jul 22, 2021
Los Angeles
Why are Giant Runt pigeons hard to find nowadays when compared to King pigeons? On Craigslist I see a lot of postings for racing pigeons, fantails, and especially King pigeons. But I hardly find any Giant Runt pigeons available. Are they a breed of pigeon that is slowly becoming extinct? Is it true that a heavy Giant Runt pigeon can easily crush their own eggs thus making it difficult to breed them?
A lot of people don't advertise on the internet so it can make certain breeds harder to find than others. Having said that, giant runts were never really popular. They aren't particularly attractive, they are big and need more room than other breeds, they eat more food, and they are not great breeders. Add it altogether and it comes out to a poor return on investment.
Why are Giant Runt pigeons hard to find nowadays when compared to King pigeons? On Craigslist I see a lot of postings for racing pigeons, fantails, and especially King pigeons. But I hardly find any Giant Runt pigeons available. Are they a breed of pigeon that is slowly becoming extinct? Is it true that a heavy Giant Runt pigeon can easily crush their own eggs thus making it difficult to breed them?
i have giant runts,euro ones..i am the only one with them..
Why are Giant Runt pigeons hard to find nowadays when compared to King pigeons? On Craigslist I see a lot of postings for racing pigeons, fantails, and especially King pigeons. But I hardly find any Giant Runt pigeons available. Are they a breed of pigeon that is slowly becoming extinct? Is it true that a heavy Giant Runt pigeon can easily crush their own eggs thus making it difficult to breed them?
Hi sometimes, usually when disturbed by other birds
Ps I have the grant european runts

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