Why are my geese bitting each other?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jan 3, 2011
I don't know why my White Chinese Geese that are about 4 months old keep biting each other. There not like attacking each other, but occasionally they will reach over and bite one another. I don't know why, could any one help me please?
My toulouse bite at each other quite abit. they are reminding the others who is the top goose. Most of the time it has to do with food. sometimes when I am around they show off and the friendlier gander nips at the others so he can be first in line for treats.
Right now we're entering breeding season and this happens frequently between ganders to show dominance to one another. They'll even nip their humans. (just ask me how I know. LOL) Do you have two ganders?

Bite or pull feathers? mine used to pull feathers as a daily thing. bite was reserved for when they really were mad at another one. Bites often started fights feather pulls were a much more friendly thing.

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