Why are people so weird?

We originally got chickens so we could have eggs for ourselves and maybe sell a few on the side. The money we get is put back into keeping the birds and pays for their food, treats, bedding etc. (I charge $4 a dozen. My neighbours have a huge flock and take their eggs to the city market where they are getting $6 a dozen for farm fresh, free-run eggs, and they sell out every week). My mum insisted on paying for them as they go through 2-3 dozen a week, and I have a couple of regular customers, but I have also given eggs to people as housewarming gifts, hostess gifts, etc. At the moment we're producing way more than we can eat or sell, so the excess I've been taking in to the local food bank. At this time of year, they more than pay for themselves

Did you ever make it clear that you were selling the eggs? Most people understand if you say the money goes back into caring and feeding the birds. And as to the cartons, I guess I'm just lucky, even people who don't buy eggs from me tend to save the cartons :), and my husband picked up a garbage bag full of cartons at a yard sale for $2.... but I completely understand how irritating it is when people EXPECT you to give them eggs for free or without any reciprocity. That would burn my britches too...
Nice. Have you done this before? Does it work well? I was thinking about showing up with some eggs to the peach/cherry stand and offering a trade. I'm not sure how it will go over, but I'd love some fresh produce and I'm happy to trade some eggs.
I like this idea of bartering, I’m going try this with some friends who have a garden here in campground (they have a big section for anyone who wants a patch) we bring eggs from home weekly. I give them to family, but mostly feed to dogs(8) and 12 chickens. I get 6 to 10 a day.
As to nesting boxes I start out with about 3inches of shavings and add as needed. Not sure size of boxes but it’s a 1 hen at a time. 4 boxes at the moment, with option to open up 4 more.
I pick up eggs everyday, specially in this heat. But then then during winter several times a day because they freeze.
This has been my experience with eggs. I have a ton of people who save cartons for me. I almost always have way more than I need. I give eggs to those who save cartons for me. I have one neighbor who asks about eggs from time to time, since she is a good friend, I really don't mind giving her any. She has picked up my kids, let me barrow her car, etc. I figure giving her a couple dozen eggs every few weeks is nothing. She insists on on paying me even though I tell her that I'm happy to give them to her. If anyone asks about eggs (other than my kids who I am completely willing to give eggs to) they always want to pay.
Right there with ya! Quail aren't cheap to feed but people don't seem to think about that....I think the thought process is that since you're already raising birds anyway and the eggs are already there it's not much effort for you to hand them over.

I will charge my best friend. Period. No freebies. If something is given away it has no value. I'd rather eat yet another quiche than give them away.

The barter system though is just wonderful! Things I don't want to grow I can still get and everyone is happy.

Stick to your guns guys, these critters are a lot of work and you deserve something for all the effort and time and money and love you put into it.
Why do people you know (friends/family) expect their eggs for FREE??

Maybe I'm the only one with the problem, but I've had several people (people who I do work business with, siblings) just want eggs for free. Don't even offer me any money. My fault for allowing it a couple times. I don't anymore - but WHY??

I had somebody just hand me a carton this morning wanting eggs. She didn't give me any $$, maybe (hopefully) she will have some when she comes back to get them.

Also, I ask clients to return my cartons, I even have a stamp inside that says "Please return carton", have I gotten any back? Nope. I have a family who buys 3 dozen a week and has 6 of my empty egg cartons. Next time she wants some, I will be reminding her I need those cartons back. Never would've thought I'd have any issues!

Okay, rant over :)
I think you have every right to rant, how rude. My friends would never expect free eggs. I offer, free to my two gal friends, because they have done many favors for me, being a widow. Everyone else expects to pay and cannot wait to get my free range , organic eggs. i only charge $3, just enough to pay for the feed. Start telling people that is the price, whatever you decide< a deal, as most farmer market eggs are 5 to 6 dollars a doz.
I , most of the time, get back almost all of the cartons. And , yes, it says on the cartons, please return. You just were too generous in the beginning.
Why do people you know (friends/family) expect their eggs for FREE??

Maybe I'm the only one with the problem, but I've had several people (people who I do work business with, siblings) just want eggs for free. Don't even offer me any money. My fault for allowing it a couple times. I don't anymore - but WHY??

I had somebody just hand me a carton this morning wanting eggs. She didn't give me any $$, maybe (hopefully) she will have some when she comes back to get them.

Also, I ask clients to return my cartons, I even have a stamp inside that says "Please return carton", have I gotten any back? Nope. I have a family who buys 3 dozen a week and has 6 of my empty egg cartons. Next time she wants some, I will be reminding her I need those cartons back. Never would've thought I'd have any issues!

Okay, rant over :)

I made egg carton return punch cards. After someone returns a carton, their card is punched and after ten punches they get a free dozen. I get my cartons returned and keep my inventory moving.
Since refrigerated eggs stay fresh for approzimately 4 months, when we have a build up I box them neatly and have my husband drop off at a church or Christian Help Center. I know the people they feed appreciate them and surely can get a lot of benefits from eating them.

:thumbsup Good for you. An excellent thing to do!!
My family save the egg cartons for me, thank goodness! I do give eggs away now but I didn't before. Put up a sign with the price for eggs in BOLD numbers, it should help, if not just remark how much feed prices for your chickens have went up!
Oh yes, chicken feed is NOT cheap! Owning chickens can be expensive! If people expect free eggs from you, then tell then to get their own chickens and let them see just how 'free' eggs are.

I'm a gardener, and I see even it can be expensive to do just to get produce. I carried some of my peppers to our local produce seller to sell hoping to get some money back from everything I've put into my garden and all he offered me was two mesley dollars for all of them. I shoulda said, 'I don't think so!' and walked away. :he
Why do people you know (friends/family) expect their eggs for FREE??

Maybe I'm the only one with the problem, but I've had several people (people who I do work business with, siblings) just want eggs for free. Don't even offer me any money. My fault for allowing it a couple times. I don't anymore - but WHY??

I had somebody just hand me a carton this morning wanting eggs. She didn't give me any $$, maybe (hopefully) she will have some when she comes back to get them.

Also, I ask clients to return my cartons, I even have a stamp inside that says "Please return carton", have I gotten any back? Nope. I have a family who buys 3 dozen a week and has 6 of my empty egg cartons. Next time she wants some, I will be reminding her I need those cartons back. Never would've thought I'd have any issues!

Okay, rant over :)

I so know what you mean. I have never gotten ANY money from anyone for eggs. I am thinking of putting a sign out to sell to strangers, that might work better. As to your carton problem, I have that one also and usually use a different container to give away eggs. (something disposable, ie a plastic coffee can). I have given this a lot of thought and think I might charge more, (a deposit?), for the cartons. They can cost as much as .20 each and that can add up. Anyway I am feeling your pain!! ;>)

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