why are there blood spots in my eggs?

Can I add a question here, I read this thread to help me but I am wondering still.
I have two cuckoo marans, and I cracked three of their eggs the other morning, each seeming a little worse than the one before. I have no idea whose, or how old each of them were, we just have crates that we fill and rotate. Sometimes the blood is bigger than the others, and once there was this brown "crumb" I love the color of their eggs, but sadly they seem a little less appetizing to me now. Any suggetions?

or solutions?
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My chickens seem to go through phases with blood spots and meat spots in their eggs, the phases seem to disappear as mysteriously as they appeared. Sorry I can't be more informative. I know what you mean about it being less appetizing. You will get somewhat used to it, but by the time you are, they'll probably go away again!
It's definitely not related to being fertile since I don't have a rooster.
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The commercial egg producers candle EVERY egg that they ship and therefore that is why you do not ever see a blood spot in a store bought egg. The eggs that don't pass inspection get thrown into a barrel and are sold to other companies for food production and animal feeds, shell and all.
Neither blood spots nor meat spots will hurt you. Think about all the blood in a pound of hamburger.
Just FYI - cloudy whites are also a sign of a really fresh egg.
It's a teeny tiny speck of protein people! What's the big deal? A steak is a whole bunch of those all stuck together! If it looks gross, pick it out. It's not infectious. It hasn't spoiled the egg.

I may just stop picking them out and think of steak and eggs now:)
I've eaten more eggs in the last 4 weeks than in my lifetime, I think. I used to stop at Mcdonalds or Dunkin Donuts for a breakfast sandwich every morning. I couldn't eat that now if I tried. yuk. Fresh eggs for breakfast every day:) with meat. And sometimes cheese and veggies...

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