Why Aren't My Chickens Laying? Here Are Your Answers!

Actual weeks from hatching for age.

Are they interested in the nest box? Are they squatting when you reach to pet them?

I had blown out a few store bought eggs and placed them in the nest boxes a month ago. 2 weeks ago one of the ladies (do not know which hen) had straw thrown or moved, and now nothing the past 2 weeks. Barred Rock, RIR and Golden Buff are all 20 weeks and 2 days old. The speckled sussex is 21 weeks and 2 days old, and nothing. They do not squat just run if I go to tough them. Light in the 8x8 hen house is on 15 hours a day. They have 3 sand boxes to play in. On layer crumbles since they were 16 weeks old. They have a 20x15 foot run to play in (3 sides covered for the upcoming winter winds. Its been 68 degrees here in upper Ohio. And all they do is nag me to get out of the run as soon as I get home from work. Oh yah, and a lot of poop. (thank you deep litter method).
I currently have, on my 8x12 back porch, all 7 weeks old, a gold and a silver lace wyandotte, 2 astrolorps, a delaware, one silver laced polish and one blue laced polish. On January 16, the 7 week olds go from their teenager apartment to the adult day care center.
I would expect one of the 20 week old hens would at least be squatting by now.
All the money we all here on the forum, our time, and love, for all our chickens, gets frustrating and depressing when not even one hen squats.
so sad.

Did you read the post above yours. Their hen laid her first egg at 30 weeks, so 20 weeks is not too old to still be holding out.
I guess that I am doing ok. I got 25 Barred Rock Pullets from Cackle Hatchery in April. My birds started laying a few eggs in September and now I am averaging 18 eggs per day. The highest number of eggs that I have picked up in one day so far is 22. I changed feed suppliers since I started them on layer feed and I changed from crumbles to layer pellets just to cut down on waste. I am following Robert Palamondon's feeding plan by having a feeder of layer pellets, a feeder of whole yellow corn and I give them a little scratch every day. I don't have lights in the hen house and I don't free range due to the preditors in the area. My pullets eggs are getting larger and I have all the eggs me and my wife need and I have four customers that I sell eggs to on a regular basis. I wish that I had started off with 50 pullets rather than 25. I think I could sell all of the eggs every week without any problem. I live in a remote mountain area and the people around here will not pay much more than the grocery store pays. I traveled my 30 miles to the grocery store today and Aldi's was selling a dozen eggs for $1.59 per dozen. I sell my eggs for $2 per dozen. I buy my shelled corn from a local farmer for $8 a bushel. I currently have 3 Barred Rock Roosters. After Thanksgiving, I will only have one. I love my chickens but they are not pets. I take good care of them and feed them well. They are doing their part and paying me back for all my work.
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ABOUT the egg production stopping, I understand, mine have stopped laying. I have 11 hens, mostly rir buff orphington, new hampshire red. So I am trying to solve the problem, We added a 15 watt bulb to extend the daylight hours, so we turn it on at dusk around 5 and turn it off around 9 that gives them about 14 hours light, including the nastural sinlight. THEY DO NOT LOOKED DISEASED TO ME, SEEM HAPPY, HAVE plenty of space, not crowded at all, same feed organic laying grain plus oyster sheels grit, scratch., even before the most they laid was 5 a day, now none., so since I JUST ADDED THE LIGHTBULB WHEN SHOULD THEIR SYYSTEM kick in to lay eggs, since they went without extra daylight for a month or so, we just started 2 days ago. please advise thank you
Here's my take on it. Unless you buy (or raise) chickens that have been raised organically for the past 30 years, you're probably looking at the effects of GM soy and corn, which have been shown to cause abortions in mammals; and the effects of pesticides such as atrazine, which have caused frog populations to decrease, lower sterility in men, and upset the male/female birth ratio in various communities. After 4 generations in other species, reproduction ceases. Could this be what's happening to chickens?
I have looked at all of these articles. I too have not been able to get hens to lay. Hens have plenty of light. Egg Rations, lots of water, even put fake eggs in boxes. They are a little over 5 months old. What else can I do. I have never had this problem before. Yes, they are all hens. Any suggestions?
What about all the radiation that was in our air that fell our USA soil from the Japans nuclear explosions? They did say that radiation fell in USA on our grass and grains, which was suppose to be just a small portion of radiation. Of course Japan received the worst but proof was in their beef, land animals and land grown veggies. I know I am anxious for eggs but too many of us do not have eggs and this years crop of chicken feed would have that radiation in it!!!!!
How red are their faces? Until they are red in the face they are not hormonally ready to lay. Some breeds of chickens it can take 6 - 8 months to maturity. So my suggestion is WAIT til spring to decide if they are layers or fryers
Just wanted to let you all know, after a month of watching red combs and waddles swell up: 2 of my girls are "Doin the Egg Squat". The Golden Buff acted like a love sick dog as I rubbed her back. She squatted, slightly lifted both wings, and boy did I ever rub her back, for nearly a minute. When done, she stood, fluffed up her feathers and shook it off. The RIR then squatted and lifted her wings but gave up after a 15 second rub. My Barred Rock just stood there watching the whole act, and the Speckled Sussex ran. (The Sussex never runs so I have found this odd). At least 2 of my girls are a squattin.
woo hoo
You're on your way to fresh eggs.

Hi Cass, I want to thank you for all your help, and patience with me. Sunday, a few of my girls were doing the egg squatt, by Tuesday, 3 were doing the egg squatt. Thursday morning, 6:30am, my RIR
I must have looked stupid just standing there looking at the egg until reality sank in, then, I started doing the chicken dance. (I bought the day old chicks in June) I ran through the yard yelling at my husband to grab the cameras because WE HAVE OUR FIRST EGG. Neighbors thought I was nuts.
Anyone asking, the RIR is 21 weeks 3 days old. Laid the egg 3 days after her first squat. She (Peep), was acting hyper Tuesday running in the coop for water, then hop up on the perch at the nest box. She did this for 6 hours. Wednesday she was calm and quiet and by 6:30am today, she shook the coop apart with her egg song. Naturally, I was late for work because you have to take pictures, (stare at the egg), congratulate the hen, (Stare some more at the egg), give them a treat, (stare at the egg) and look at the egg in your hand and what a great thing nature can be. BUt, with a big smile, I was Doin a chicken dance all day at work
The egg is medium and brown. I plan on blowing the egg out and saving that first egg.
All day today, my Speckled Sussex has done nothing but go to the nest box. Hope to find her egg tomorrow morning. The golden buff is acting like the cheerleader and the Barred Rock is quiet.
I hope this information, minus the crazy lady part, helps others with the agony of waiting for that first egg.
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