Why did my chicken die?


In the Brooder
Feb 25, 2016
Manchester, UK
My black Orpington of about 3-4 months had been acting strange this morning, she was found sleeping standing up and acting a bit quite and didn't move when touched but then reverted an hour later ? 6 hours later we came home and found her lay down stiff and dead. All the others seem to be fine but I don't know what I'm looking for if they're not ? They are all 3-4 months old and these are my firsts, they all have access to water and food and I give them fresh veg every day and mealworms and other protein foods. I want to know if I need to test my remaining chickens
Have they been on medicated feed for coccidia? How are butts/poops? Are they growing and gaining as they should? I know I sound like a broken record but treating for coccidia is so important and so overlooked. Same for effective deworming.

At this age if it was me I would check everyone's crop and make sure OK. If a vet could do fecal for coccidia and worms on at least ten per cent or three birds, whichever is more. And, if no vet,crop healthy, then I would go ahead and treat with sulmet or corid and deworm with Quest plus all the birds.

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