Why did she lay a very small egg today?

Don't worry, I'm sure everything's fine. They must get those baby eggs out before the big ones!
Food coloring? Why? Don't be worried magickbird. When you have new chickens they will lay small eggs and they get bigger and then they lay small eggs sometimes for about a week
I was referencing the conversation about how to tell which bird is laying which egg. Lipstick around the vent, so each girl can have their own color. Food coloring is cheaper. That's all. It didn't have anything to do with the size of the egg. Sorry for the confusion.
Lol! Remember the "old days" when the Avon lady would come visit our moms and leave those teeny tiny lipsticks? Too bad they stopped that, those would be ideal
Yes, I remember the Avon lady with those! Little "samples" - as kids we used to play with them (don't tell the Avon lady, lol)

I read on one of these forums that you can use food coloring. Of course, there's not as many color choices, but it's a lot cheaper.
Food coloring would probably work. You can actually make quite a few colors with the four main ones. I just want to know which ones are laying. If they all are, or if some aren't laying at all...
Quote: Got that - message was intended for my question in previous post! Not sure what DuckRaiser is talking about?! Thanks for mentioning the food coloring. I may try it.

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