Why do people have roos?


Free Ranging
Premium Feather Member
13 Years
Mar 22, 2011
My Coop
My Coop
Like if you have hens wouldn't the eggs be fertile every time? I'm just wondering why people have them.
Some of us want fertile eggs, especially if we are working on breeding. A fertile egg is still an edible egg, the embryo doesn't develop until it is incubated.
X2....Also, a rooster will help protect the hens. This is especially helpful if you freerange. A rooster will keep order in the flock. Mine will step in and break up fights between the hens.
without a roo, one of your hens will likely take on the role and ride your other hens bald as a form of dominance. You may even get a hen that tries to crow. I call it gender confused when it happens. keep a roo. Once they get past the awkward teenager year they usually settle down and provide a valuable service to your hen house.
Just because that is how it was intended and having done it both ways I will say there is more harmony within the flock is better with a roo in my opinion, then add the answers above
Well, some of mine were bought unintentionally, but I think they're beautiful. I also like their different personalities and being able to hatch my own chicks.
Well, I wasn't going to have a roo at all. I ordered all pullets and one of the "girls" ended up being a boy. I was a little disappointed at first, but now that he's grown up I am really glad that I have him. Not only is he beautiful, but like the posts above, he keeps order in the flock, he protects the girls, and he has a lovely crow-not to mention he's HUGE! He's not quite passed the teen age year, though, and still a little rough on the ladies, but I noticed that they do have feathers coming back in, so he must be going a little easier on them..........

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