why eat organic eggs??


12 Years
Jan 3, 2008
I have a speech tomorrow on Organic/natural vs conventional egg prod. idk what to say in it. I have 2 batches of brownies, one made with my eggs (all nat) and one with store eggs. im gonna have half the class take one and the other half take the other, then im gonna explain what goes into the battery hens feed.
but what goes into their feed?
and how do i explain battery hens, these are mostly non farmers..
and how can i "persuade" my class to eat organic, freerange eggs rather than the others?
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also talk about the health benefits of organic eggs. even if they don't care about animals, they probably care about their own health. all the hormones they put in meat and in the animals' feed has been shown to cause cancer, from what I've heard.
Im confuzzled about your purpose.

Is this a persuasion experiment?
A debate?
A personal choice of topic?

I ask because it sounds as if you're leading your subjects to a desired result of your choosing.


I say let ALL students sample BOTH brownies. Dont predispose your control group to a particular result, and leave out the other half altogether.

Say nothing about the eggs, give each student some of each brownie and record their reactions. That would be an unbiased test.
Only afterwards would you give your dissertation.


This would be far more interesting to me than a sales pitch with demonstration.
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Have them consider the reason that battery hens need to be on anti-biotics and such. It's because they are in such poor conditions. Good conditions= healthy hens= better eggs.

Pictures pictures pictures. I get nauseous looking at pictures of battery hens, so do this while they're eating the brownies.
This is for my speech of persuasion. i was gonna either A. have half the class take one kind of brownie and the other take the other and then say, this half of the class just ate all these homones and aantibiotics and such. Or B have people take both, and then try to tell the diff and then explain that even thou there might not be a difference in taste, they are ingesting all those bad things. I m trying to get pics worked up right now.
instead of going with how bad production eggs are, tell them how much more nutritious free range eggs are. Someone posted a link to an article about how much better they are for you. More omega 3, less cholesterol, etc. I want to say it was in Mother Earth News.....I'll keep looking for it for ya....

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