Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

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Wile reading through these post I got to thinking about something that I just have to ask.
Out of all the people that are posting on this thread, How many of you grow at least 10% of your own food a year?
Keep in mind that the average Adult American will eats around 2,000 pounds of food a year.

I ask this because there seems to be a lot of people that will sit behind a computer and complain about something but in the real world they do nothing about it.
I don't think someone that doesn't attempt to feed there self and expects someone else to do so for them should do much complaining.

Good point Chris. I grow my eggs and a large garden. Don't know if I grow 10% or not. I also buy grass fed beef & pork. As much local stuff as I can. Don't put a lot of stock on organic in the grocery store, but do buy it local when I can. I also try to avoid soy when I can, like I quit buying grocery store tuna, as I don't need soy with my fish. I buy local soy-free organic for my chickens. I do have a really hard time giving up my Cheez Its though!
Don't go for this line of questioning, it is a trap. Get's everyone away from talking GMO. And onto
a different subject. GMO is the subject.
No Trap, Just a question, assuming will get you no where.

I would ask you how much food you grow for you and your family but judging by your post I quoted and not even trying to answering my simple question I think I know the answer.

Good point Chris. I grow my eggs and a large garden. Don't know if I grow 10% or not. I also buy grass fed beef & pork. As much local stuff as I can. Don't put a lot of stock on organic in the grocery store, but do buy it local when I can. I also try to avoid soy when I can, like I quit buying grocery store tuna, as I don't need soy with my fish. I buy local soy-free organic for my chickens. I do have a really hard time giving up my Cheez Its though!
Thank You Cindy,
This is a question I have had for sometime now and thought I would ask.

There is an excellent french documentary called "The World According to Monsanto". You can google it and find it online for free to watch. I suggest it to everybody.
Also the MONSANTO REGIME has now the TERMINATOR SEED. Once the plant has grown it will not produce seed.
re·gime also ré·gime (r
, r
A form of government: a fascist regime.
b. A government in power; administration: suffered under the new regime.
2. A prevailing social system or pattern.
3. The period during which a particular administration or system prevails.
4. A regulated system, as of diet and exercise; a regimen.

I truly wish as an American I could buy non GMO corn for my girls. But I cannot. And I will not buy frankenstein corn.

POpcorn is not GMO
There's some of that MISinformation you spoke of.
GMO's generally require fewer pesticides, and LESS TOXIC pesticides than what was generally used before they were developed

Modern farmers use all the methods you named.
They aren't "exclusive" to the organic crowd
The organics on a COMMERCIAL scale require as much fuel to plant, harvest and distribute as GMO's, and often take MORE fuel due to extra tillage for weed control

No one is "hoodwinked"
All the rhetoric about "no testing" is simply false hype, considering nothing has stopped anyone from doing any testing they wanted to do in the DECADES these crops have been in production

If you don't want GMO, buy Certified Organic, because everything else is GMO

It's really pretty simple

I wasn't replying directly to any of your posts, Bear, but you seem set on picking apart my one little contribution to the discussion for some reason, so suppose I'll reply directly to yours. Maybe you just have a chip on your shoulder, I don't know. I'm amused by it, actually. You're so quick to call my own information "misinformation!" But since neither of us cited any sources, what makes you more right than me? Because you think you are? Believe it or not, I too am a farmer (I assume you are, forgive me if I'm wrong), and I do know what I'm talking about or I would have kept my opinions to myself (I try to anyway). To the best of my knowledge nothing I said was untrue. GE crops DO use more poisons than other methods, and rates of application have generally increased over the years even as GE crops were introduced--heavy herbicide use is the whole POINT of Roundup Ready soy, for example. And while organic farming on a commercial scale sometimes does use more fossil fuels than conventional with some approaches, many models of growing also exist that use much, much less. The techniques for better practices exist and are viable. You need to take a fresh look at some of the new ideas at the cutting edge of sustainable agriculture if you don't know what I'm talking about.

I never said that "modern farmers" don't use any of "the methods" I named as alternatives to GE, pesticides, and chemical fertilizer. I also never said anything about "the organic crowd." You seem to assume that I am debating from a certain point of view and lumping me with "the organic crowd," in a pejorative sort of way. You are also implying that organic farming is not "modern farming," which I also take issue with for different reasons. (disclosure: I am in fact a non-certified organic vegetable, fruit, and poultry farmer and grew up on a farm). Actually, I consider organic farming more "modern" (and more scientifically sound) that GE crops or conventional methods.

And you miss the point about safety testing of GE crops: testing should have been done BEFORE these things were EVER put onto the market, NOT during the "DECADES these crops have been in production!" Ummm, I assumed the logic of that argument was self-evident, but I guess not to everyone...

No hard feelings, but please think a bit more before you criticize... Not everyone who disagrees with you is an idiot.

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I wasn't replying directly to any of your posts, Bear, but you seem set on picking apart my one little contribution to the discussion for some reason, so suppose I'll reply directly to yours. Maybe you just have a chip on your shoulder, I don't know. I'm amused by it, actually. You're so quick to call my own information "misinformation!" But since neither of us cited any sources, what makes you more right than me? Because you think you are? Believe it or not, I too am a farmer (I assume you are, forgive me if I'm wrong), and I do know what I'm talking about or I would have kept my opinions to myself (I try to anyway). To the best of my knowledge nothing I said was untrue. GE crops DO use more poisons than other methods, and rates of application have generally increased over the years even as GE crops were introduced--heavy herbicide use is the whole POINT of Roundup Ready soy, for example. And while organic farming on a commercial scale sometimes does use more fossil fuels than conventional with some approaches, many models of growing also exist that use much, much less. The techniques for better practices exist and are viable. You need to take a fresh look at some of the new ideas at the cutting edge of sustainable agriculture if you don't know what I'm talking about.

I never said that "modern farmers" don't use any of "the methods" I named as alternatives to GE, pesticides, and chemical fertilizer. I also never said anything about "the organic crowd." You seem to assume that I am debating from a certain point of view and lumping me with "the organic crowd," in a pejorative sort of way. You are also implying that organic farming is not "modern farming," which I also take issue with for different reasons. (disclosure: I am in fact a non-certified organic vegetable, fruit, and poultry farmer and grew up on a farm). Actually, I consider organic farming more "modern" (and more scientifically sound) that GE crops or conventional methods.

And you miss the point about safety testing of GE crops: testing should have been done BEFORE these things were EVER put onto the market, NOT during the "DECADES these crops have been in production!" Ummm, I assumed the logic of that argument was self-evident, but I guess not to everyone...

No hard feelings, but please think a bit more before you criticize... Not everyone who disagrees with you is an idiot.

Sky The Chicken Man you are Brilliant
Organic popcorn or Jiffy ?
Any popcorn from what I understand from the guys at Teelee popcorn factory (just down the road bout 20 miles) They have tried to make different kinds of popcorn GMO for weed killer (roundup ready) insects and other things. The problem is the kernels won't pop so it is useless to them. Organic is another story.
Teelee popcorn factory makes all different brands of microwave and other popcorn's.
I get it 50 pounds for $10 last year it was $6 for 50 pounds. It is the floor sweepings and under sized kernels.,
It's gross MISinformation such as this which makes the Monsanto bashing crowd lose all credibility.
The plants don't produce herbicides at all.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and pretend I know what the person from the original quote was trying to say. I am well aware that GMO seed doesn't produce herbicide. The problem is the weeds that round-up was originally used for has become resistant. So not only now do we have round-up ready seed but we have new chemicals and pesticides being developed and used on top of what the GMO's seed was originally developed for. Sprayed on our food. And I do question what they do to the seed to make it resistant in the first place...
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