Why I have not been on alot.


6 Years
Hi - The reason I have not been on alot is because, the person who I kept my chickens with...They just started doing things with the chickens behind my back, so, I gave them my chickens.....soon I will have more chickens, but I will start posting more so I can know more.

Kept them locked up when the deal was we would let them out unless it was a snow storm, not got them what I pay for to feed them with,(We pay for different food , but it goes into the same barn and I was out of.....town...no...I don't know what to call it same with the not letting them out) they were going to butcher mine when the rule was unless they were mean then I keep mine unless I choose to butcher them....Among other things but those are the worst. So not a terrible person, but, no way we could keep chickens together, so I going to buy some land in a year or two, and have a real farm, well not a "real farm" like 2 goats, 2 sheep, 2 horses, 30 to 50 chickens, MAYBE like 2 cows, oh yeah and my dog and me of course, and I'm keeping my eyes on this land that has 11 acres on it with a bunch around it that I could talk to the people who own it and try to get them to sell some.
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I live in southwest MN, and I don't like to give out my age because I am what you probably call, psycho, crazy, survivalist, people that are afraid of something that's not going to happen. but, I'm a survivalist so I don't give out my age.
Yep, a prepper that really needs to work on his user names, I don't know why I don't start using thebladeofblack which is my name for video games......yep I play video games
(I hope no one kills me for not working twenty-four-seven

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