Why is Lucy nuts?

Chickens are the perfect picture of human behaviour. Sometimes, you just get a crazy one! All my chickens are docile breeds. I have one Americauna that we call "Crazy Train", because she acts just like your SS. She is a beautiful bird, but skittish and weird as heck. She was handled gently as a peep, so we have know idea why she's so weired, but, I have know idea why some of my relatives are weird either and I'm so normal.....LOL. Hopefully, when your SS starts laying she'll get calmer. Crazy Train isn't laying yet either, so my fingers are still crossed she'll calm down.
Probably just her personality. Try more treats and other delicious offers, especially to her (try not to let her get crowded out by others) and avoid making any moves to grab/touch her. Just let her come to realize that you're not out to get her and she may warm up a bit. Maybe never to a level of being handled, but at least to the point where she won't scitz out and go nuts when you come around. It will probably take awhile since she's so shy, but be patient.

Our five are all the same age, raised together since day one, handled the same since day one, and are five ENTIRELY different birds. Our BR and dom are total shoulder/cuddle chickens. When you're out with them, they want to be with you and will often flying up onto my shoulder or my DHs (whomever's is available at the time, lol) and can be picked up and handled without any fuss 99% of the time. While out wellie and BA are 100% friendly and like being around us, too, neither care to be picked up. The wellie will fly onto your shoulder, but not as often at the dom or BR, and likes to sit on your feet. The BA will never do either of those things. The EE is just a weirdo. She will stay with you, doesn't mind you being around, but make one move to touch her and she jumps and bolts just out of reach with a BAWK, every time. She can be caught, but not easily. She will come for treats, but not pets or hugs. Once in a GREAT while, she will fly onto my shoulder and I can rub her back a little, but it has to be when SHE decides or you can forget it.
My SS, Charlotte, is 15 weeks old and I call her "The Pecker". She isn't mean at all but I know if someone is grabbing my pant legs, pecking my shoes or my back if I am squatting down, sure enough it's got to be Charlotte. Right now, she seems to be about in the middle of the pecking order.
My SS is about 3 months old and she is the sweetest chicken I have ever seen. She loves to be held and cuddled and talked to. My Lakenvelders on the other hand are some crazy chickens. I have 4, 3 pullets and a rooster, and they all are crazy. When you go in their pen they just scream and start flying everywhere and dive bomb you until you leave. My husband wanted me to put a couple new hens in their pen with them and I told him NO , them things are crazy. Lol

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