Why is my hen not laying?


Jul 11, 2018
Central Florida
Hi there, back in April I had found a breeder that bred lavender Ameraucanas and purchased one that was a week old, she is now 39 weeks old but I have yet to see a blue egg, I am starting to get a bit concerned that there could be some sort of underlying health issue. Could she be egg bound? Or is she just incapable of producing eggs? I am not very experienced with this and could use any advice, thanks.
Can you post a photo of the bird?
Ditto Dat^^^

Ameraucana can be late layers.

Where in this world are you located?
Climate is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, (laptop version shown), then it's always there!
My ameraucana was the last to lay of my mixed flock at the age of 11 months! I thought the day would never come, but since then, she has been one of my more consistent layers. If I remember right, she was a March hatch and laid her first blue egg the following February. Hang in there! Judging by your photos she appears healthy and close to laying with that redness in her comb!

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