Why is there more traffic on the duck forum???

Hee-heee...thought that would get you guys going!

I know some geese are very aggressive but this is how "mean" my Sebastopols are...they will sometimes "try" to bully my chickens and ducks around.
As an example they will charge at a chicken and if the chicken by chance runs in the direction of the bully or any of his buddies they run off squealing in fear.

Also they're so klutzy that they often awkwardly just bulldoze into a bird they are trying to intimidate and often trip and fall on their face.

They are so funny.
I can put muscovies in the yard and the neighbors won't care, but geese... they'd have problems with. Once we buy that farm I'll have both.
I just have my one goose and I can't wait till spring to get more. Peter definitely rules the roost around here. But my husband is spoiling him worse than ever. This from the man that hated geese.

Peter can't stay out in the rain, it may frighten him. Hubby goes running outside, grabs Peter, and runs into the house carrying Peter when it begins to rain, thunder or lightening. I keep trying to tell him that he's a goose....ummm WATERFOWL.

He may actually like the rain but there's no talking to my husband! One day while we were out, it started to rain. He was freaking out that "Poor Peter" was out in the rain. Now of course when it starts to rain, Peter starts honking because he knows that dad is going to rescue him.

I give up! Oh, and Peter has his own bedroom in our house. I feel like banging my head into the wall some days. LOL

Lol! He sounds like my husband who is always building new coops and doing things for "my" geese.

So far my geese have been pretty cowardly. They run and hide under my chair or behind me when the donkeys start braying. Just last week, my biggest male was carrying on because of a "scary" piece of bark in his water. So brave! So mean!
grabbing MY gander out of the rain and running inside would mean certain death! ha!!!

rain? are you kidding? they LOVE it!!

i'm still reeling from running out there and grabbing him... i'd pull back a stump if i tried that! hee hee hee hee
Geese versus ducks huh? We love both but for different reasons Cottage Rose! As with your farm we have both geese (saddleback poms currently) Ducks (muscovies & calls) and other fowl. The geese bond better with people and are dignified guardians of the poultry yard - they also help me with grass cutting chores! Saving me the time needed to cut the poultry yard & side yard! But for all of their charm & beauty they do leave their calling card with the poop slicks - but heck - it makes the grass greener! Our current geese are about 7 mos old now & the flock of 7 come to us for feeding or just for companionship. I enjoy the poms tremendously & the color combo of the brown & white pattern is beautiful. We have had Africans, White chinese & toulouse (rescue) along with some CG (wildlife rehaber) for years. I loved the white chinese but the poms are friendlier & since hand raised are bonded to us!
As for my ducks - I also wouldn't want to not have them! I love the muscovies for their friendliness, large broods, various colors & FOR EATING MOSQUITOES! Also cause the females roost in trees & on fences so the coyotes that travel through don't get them! My call ducks stay penned but who doesn't love their quacking & tiny petite bodies with stubbed beaks?
Its like compareing my loud, obnoisious peacock to the guineas. I enjoy each for their contribution to the farm whether their beauty (him) or bug control (guineas). Each is unique in their own way... heck I even have an older pair of Emus.... course I am a little cracked myself!
Hmmmm...ducks have more to say than geese?!?
I highly doubt that...but then I raise Muscovies who
tend to be rather quiet and only speak to me if they
see me coming with the feed bucket.
My geese see me and its yakkity-yak,
blabbing my ear off.
I can't talk on my cell phone near them because they get jealous and interrupt me and over ride my conversation.
Even new born goslings peep, peep, peep when you say anything to them.
That is what is so cool about geese...they talk to you and interact with you.
They're definitely the social butterflies of my barnyard.

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