Why Keep The Coop Off Of The Ground?

My main coop is raised. My main reason was for added run space. My second reason was for shelter from the heat. It's also a bit easier to clean than my non-raised coops but not that significantly. I still get rodents in my coop and it's 3 feet above the ground. If I had to do it over again, I'd only raise it two feet. It's a pain to climb into.
Thank you all SO much for so many responses! I now have the knowledge I need to build my new coop this fall! I also have rodent problems with my current coop, which is sitting on the ground and housing a fast growing family of chipmunks, and it's a pain to clean, so I see your point there, but Its always good to have more reasons to put in mind while planning a chicken coop!
Thanks Again!

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