Why my hens don't become broody


5 Years
Aug 29, 2014
I have four hens and a rooster. Hens are laying eggs for last 1 year but none of them ever became broody. Most of the time there always are eggs for them, but no one ever sits of them. Perhaps none of them wants to have chicks? Please give me your suggestions.
I agree with the above post. Not all breeds go broody as it has been bred out of them.

That being said, I have a RIR hen currently sitting on 6 eggs and it's Day 14. I also have 2 BO's whom I brought with the specific hope that they would brood for me - and so far, they show no interest!

I guess there are no guarantees in the world of chickens!

- Krista
"A watched pot never boils" - so it is with hens, they seem to only go broody when you don't want them to. I don't know how they can tell what you want, but they seem determined to do the opposite. It's easier to break a hen that is broody than to make one go broody.

As mentioned, some breeds are more predisposed to broodiness, but individuals may not have read that fact and never go broody. Once a hen has successfully hatched chicks, I think they are more inclined to try again later, but that's just a theory.

We have 2 broodies with chicks at the farm now. One has 8 chicks over a week old. I don't believe she has lost a single chick, which is amazing with larger broods like that. The other is confined with 3 chicks, but they are younger. There is nothing quite as heartwarming on the farm as a mother hen scratching and clucking as she teaches her babies to survive in the world.
I've got hens from Cackle Hatchery and some have never gone broody while others will be broody for several months. They are all Jersey Giants. I agree it you want a broody get a Silkie.
I have four hens and a rooster. Hens are laying eggs for last 1 year but none of them ever became broody. Most of the time there always are eggs for them, but no one ever sits of them. Perhaps none of them wants to have chicks? Please give me your suggestions.

What breed are the hens?
They are all different breeds. I live in Pakistan and they are all our local breeds. They are known to be of a good breed as they lay very good quality eggs. These breeds do go broody and I am sure there must be something else due to which they don't become broody. Some people say that it is important to not have a rooster if you want the hens to become broody. I have one rooster and 4 hens.
That statement about not having a rooster if you want broody hens makes absolutely no sense to me. I bet you'll get a broody out of your gals next laying season. They're still young yet. good luck.
They are all different breeds. I live in Pakistan and they are all our local breeds. They are known to be of a good breed as they lay very good quality eggs. These breeds do go broody and I am sure there must be something else due to which they don't become broody. Some people say that it is important to not have a rooster if you want the hens to become broody. I have one rooster and 4 hens.

Have you asked the folks who offer that advice how you are going to hatch eggs if/when your bird does go broody if there is not a rooster in the flock? Is purchasing fertile hatching eggs an option for your locale?
You have stated they are "local breeds" - are they domestic based breeds or more of a wild type of breed? Perhaps you can post a photo or two of the flock so we can see what you have? I know I am always interested in seeing breeds and birds from other locations.
How is your flock being kept? Since you mention you feel there must be something causing their aversion to broodiness it would be helpful to know what their day-to-day life is like in trying to help you find possible issues.

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