Why so many Seagulls!


Free Ranging
Premium Feather Member
13 Years
Mar 22, 2011
My Coop
My Coop
I dont remember this many last year...looks like I live on a lake! Lol its like they are dandelions blowing with the wind I have a video if anyone wants me to upload it
Gulls are common all-over North America. They prefer warmer climates so more of them are found near coastal areas, but they migrate, and they are found as far north as Canada. I live near the Gulf Coast, so they are very common around my area.
There are certain places here where there are SO MANY seabirds. I live 3 hours from the beach but they are here year round! I have no idea why either.

That's a lot of gulls, PoultryBonkers.
Seagulls are like the New Pigeons. I think we have too many of them.

We have so many in our city, that not all of them leave for the winter, & hang around year round. Same with some Canadian Geese.

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