Why soy free?? (And the effects of soy)


13 Years
Jan 24, 2009
Saint James/ Comfrey MN
I keep reading about how people are avoiding soy based protein. Did a search and almost every thread mentioned soy...... that would take me years to read through.

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Thanks for the links. I understand that soy is bad for us human-like creatures. But my chickens aren't planning on living until 70 either.

My birds might be good for a few years (breeding stock), but most are on the table much, much sooner. So why is soy bad for them??

Or is it the residual effect on US when we eat the bird or eggs that were fed soy??
My wife has been researching this more than me. She explained it, but I don't want to state things I'm not sure about. I know it has something to do with what I have quoted from you above. i know she said it is much more of an issue in the meat than the eggs.

I will talk to her more about it tonight, and let you know what she said and where she found the information.

Maybe someone who is more informed will chime in before then.
Ever heard of round-up ready soybeans? They've been geneticaly modified to tolerate high levels of round-up, the over the counter weed killer. They spray the whole crop 2-3 times throughout the season so there are no weeds to compete with the soybeans resulting in a more cost effective operation for the farmer.
Monsanto is evil. Just say no to GMO.
You can't really be serious. Do you know that the corn, wheat, oats, barley and every other cash crop gets sprayed too??? The oranges, apples, bananas......

Organic grains are a different matter but who can afford that? In all honesty, I don't even think my grain mill could get me anything that hasn't been sprayed with herbicides or pesticides.
I understand that soy may affect hormone balance in some people and some children... I'm not sure of the validity of that - but that's the word on the street as I heard it.
You can't really be serious. Do you know that the corn, wheat, oats, barley and every other cash crop gets sprayed too??? The oranges, apples, bananas......

Organic grains are a different matter but who can afford that? In all honesty, I don't even think my grain mill could get me anything that hasn't been sprayed with herbicides or pesticides.

Serious as a heart attack. The overuse of pesticides/herbicides is a serious problem. China has already killed off their entire honeybee population and now farmers have to pollinate pear crops by hand, can you imagine that? Not to mention all these poisons ultimately end up in the ocean. Taking the attitude that thats just how things are done and accepting the status quo is the wrong answer. How we spend our money is our only real vote anymore. That being said, I'm as guilty as the next person for supporting these practices over the years, I can't always afford organic either.

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