Will chickens destroy a dwarf lemon tree?


10 Years
Jul 19, 2009
I am planning my chicken run. I am debating whether to include an area of yard containing a dwarf lemon tree (about 3 feet high: branches and lemons dangle and touch the ground). I was wondering if anyone knows, would the chickens peck at or eat at the leaves or fruit of this tree, or tend to leave it alone, if I enclose it in the run? Digging it up and replanting it elsewhere isn't an option due to lack of yard space in areas that obtain sunshine.
They usually know by instinct not to eat the fruit itself, but they will steal all the leaves from that tree.
Mine live with citrus and they don't eat the leaves. I was more concerned about the neighbors Oleandars hanging over the fence but they don't eat those leaves either.

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