Will chickens eat mint?

yucky chickens..

Mine will take a swipe at my mint every now and then,. but then find something else.
My chickens decimated my Spearmint, Apple mint, Chocolate mint and Peppermint plants over the winter. These were huge, established plants too. They ate them to the ground. Honestly, if it is green, they will eat it!

Luckily almost nothing can truly eradicate a mint plant once it has settled into an area, so the remaining nubs that the birds left are starting to leaf out again now.
My chickens wiped out our mint garden which was in a large planter they had to fly to get into! I haven't found much that is edible that they won't eat. Actually I haven't found ANYTHING they won't eat. We have especially had to remove all styrofoam from the yard as that seems to be a particular favorite. If chickens were larger I believe they would eat people too.

What would they declare if they did eat people? "Tastes like chicken" ?
My chickens wiped out our mint garden which was in a large planter they had to fly to get into! I haven't found much that is edible that they won't eat. Actually I haven't found ANYTHING they won't eat. We have especially had to remove all styrofoam from the yard as that seems to be a particular favorite. If chickens were larger I believe they would eat people too.


My itty bitty baby chicks ate a HUGE wad of Styrofoam. Passed it all through and would have eaten more!
My chickens wiped out our mint garden which was in a large planter they had to fly to get into! I haven't found much that is edible that they won't eat. Actually I haven't found ANYTHING they won't eat. We have especially had to remove all styrofoam from the yard as that seems to be a particular favorite. If chickens were larger I believe they would eat people too.


Funny you say that...I jokingly told my husband last night, 'when I die just throw me in with the chickens!'

He didn't find it very funny. :idunno
There are some plants that bugs do not like. CaTnip, marigolds, rosemary, , lemongrass, wormwood and mint. I bought all of these t some time or another. The wormwood is my favorite. I chop it off when it is 3 feet tall and hang it to dry. Once dry I chop it and sprinkle some in the straw in my nest boxes. I also add it to my dogs pillows when I change the stuffing inside. all of these plants you will never find a bug on and i they deter the fleas and ticks on my dogs and repel the lice and mites on my chickens. Wormwood is a beuTiful perinnial that is silvery green and is quite beautiful in flower beds . Plus the wormwood smells kind of like anice or eucalyptus.

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