Will chicks 'dust bathe' in pine shavings?

It's really cute to watch. I love watching them dig. So funny!
Mostly my roo dust baths in the coop in the shavings,makes himself a little hole and then takes a nap after his bath,just sitting in the sun coming thru the screen door. I think he goes in there to get away from the hens,chickens too hummmm?!!!
Phew, I know this is an old thread but first to come up when I did a search. My smallest one started to do this tonight. I was worried because she isn't feathering out as much as the other 2 and has always been slightly smaller. Then I saw her doing this. I thought she was dying and the others were picking on her, but then she gets up, runs around a little and then does it again. I was thinking about separating her until I googled and came across this. Relief!! Poor chicks were probably wondering why I was scolding them.
Phew, I know this is an old thread but first to come up when I did a search. My smallest one started to do this tonight. I was worried because she isn't feathering out as much as the other 2 and has always been slightly smaller. Then I saw her doing this. I thought she was dying and the others were picking on her, but then she gets up, runs around a little and then does it again. I was thinking about separating her until I googled and came across this. Relief!! Poor chicks were probably wondering why I was scolding them.

I just had this same experience tonight. Being new to the chicken world and seeing my 3 week old EE do this really scared me!! I thought it was dying. I knew they take a dust bath I didn't think they did that this young.is it ok for them to dust bathe in the feed they've kicked out?
Walked in one day to check on mine when they were little and one was missing. Then I noticed a head sticking out of the shavings looking around. She had buried herself up to her neck.

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