Will Coturnix quails use nest boxes?


5 Years
May 23, 2015
I read that people slant the bottoms of wire cages for eggs to roll out from under, but I'm going to be putting my quails in tractors and runs on grass. Then I read that quail lay everywhere, but then some use nesting boxes. I'm honestly not sure what to believe in. I'd really like to build a cute coop with egg boxes like this to make egg collecting easier:

But, I can't tell if it'd be worth it and would very much appreciate a general consensus from y'all. :) TIA!
I've got mine on the ground without a real nest "box." Last year they all laid in 2 or 3 spots around the enclosure. The spots were under cover—logs covered in sheets of bark, droopy plants, etc.—and had little depressions dug into the substrate.

While they might not always use what we think of as "proper" nest boxes, they do prefer to lay in cover. If you give them enough places to choose from, they tend to pick their favorites lay there—it does make gathering eggs easier.
Thank you all for replying!!! So, in conclusion: I probably should just make a roof I can open to access the hiding places in the coop rather than actual nesting boxes?

You'll want to be able to access both the coop and run for eggs.

In my experience, a true coop is wasted on quail—they are happy sleeping out in the open in a run. I've only ever seen mine take shelter during the day. Plan for a way to shield them from excess wind/rain/snow during nasty weather.
Yes, they will lay where ever they feel comfortable doing so. However hidey places or areas with grass hay will be more enticing. Nice coop! :)

Grass hay, huh? That's interesting. Will definitely use when making the nest areas!!

That's just an example of a coop that I was thinking of from the Internet, not mine. I'm not handy enough to make something so intricate. LOL! But yes, I do agree that it's a nice coop :p

You'll want to be able to access both the coop and run for eggs.

In my experience, a true coop is wasted on quail—they are happy sleeping out in the open in a run. I've only ever seen mine take shelter during the day. Plan for a way to shield them from excess wind/rain/snow during nasty weather.

If I open the top of the tractor completely, won't the quail fly out?

I am definitely moving away from a coop idea. I envision something like this person's post, except there would only be three walls to protect against the elements and the metal roof would slant downward for rain. I don't think I need to add a floor for them to sleep on, either. What do you think?
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If I open the top of the tractor completely, won't the quail fly out?

I am definitely moving away from a coop idea. I envision something like this person's post, except there would only be three walls to protect against the elements and the metal roof would slant downward for rain. It seems much easier and better than building a true coop!!

It doesn't have to open from the top. The side works, too.

Some setups work with a coop—but I've had success without one. Just make sure they'll have protection from wind and driving rain/snow and the quail will be fine.
Check this out made by a pair of my quail...

Quail love grass hay! LOL

I kept my quail in aviaries on dirt floors, using grass hay as bedding. As long as you predator proof all the edges on the run area so that nothing digs, rips, paws or shimmies through, you can keep them on the ground. (Everything eats quail, over build along the bottom). Once they get used to their digs, use the ramp and feel comfortable using the coop, usually they go inside during bad weather. You may on occasion have to put them inside yourself.

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