Will ducks come back??


11 Years
Nov 28, 2008
north haven, ct
We have a cottage in the Berkshires on a lake. If I let the ducks out to swim, will they stick around? Can I coax them in with treats? Can they outswim a dog? These are runners. What about boats - are they fast in the water? I mean, no one's going to aim for them or anything (I hope), but can they swim fast? I really want them to be with us - should hatch in about two weeks.
They shouldn't go too far-if they are bonded to you, and if they know where to come in at night/morning to be fed. Bribing never hurts! (Peas, lots and lots and lots of peas!!) When I take my 9day-olds out to go swimming in the pond, if I don't go in with them, they will stay right near where I sit on the edge. And if I have to leave for some reason to go inside for a few minutes, they keep on going up on the beach to check to see if I'm back, and will run back to the water when I come! They know who their mom is! LOL. They will also always come right up to me when I pull out the treat bowl! I'm sure if you have them tame, they will stay close. I don't know about the boats as much, but I'm sure they'll be fine.
Good luck!

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