Will Eating a Whole Mouse Hurt a Hen?

I've seen the Ladies eat frogs/lizards/bugs......no mice as of yet /knock on wood

However I remember seeing the chickens when I went to visit Grandad's farm....they LOVED the mice!! Caught more than the cat did I would say lol They also would eat anything.... caught them eating a deer carcass that had been freshly poached on his property the one time.

That made Grandad mad tho.... not the birds eating it, but the fact that someone shot one of his deer so close to the house and only took the head and a little meat. The birds tho were all over that thing tho! It was a cold snap so they worked on that thing for a bit....Grandad got rid of most of it but left some for the birds to work on. Said it was good for the eggs to have a bit of meat

Come to think of it...those birds of him were greedy lil buggers and ate anything remotely foodlike. Fish guts? Yup. Single sides of bread? Yup. Goat food, cat food, bugs, old veggies, they ate it.

Only thing they WOULDNT touch was the ludefisk that was left over from Xmas day or major holidays. LOL Smart birdies say I!!! We kids didnt want to touch it either
<but we were required in our family to eat it and put up with it and not complain about it...even if just a small bit on the plate>
My oldest hates that ours eat toads. He went from loving the chickens to hating them over that fact. The only concern I can think of is if the mice have gotten into poison.
Thanks. I was hoping to get that kind of feedback. Both of my grandmothers had chickens when I was little. I never heard them say anything about chickens eating mice, so I was concerned as to how that gizzard could digest a mouse.

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