Will my chickens ever lay regularly again?!?


8 Years
Dec 9, 2011
I have nine laying hens and added four 10-week-old girls two months ago. Of the nine "adults", three are Buff Orpingtons who are approaching three years of age, while the other six are 17-month-old Red Stars and Black Austrolorps I raised as chicks last spring.

Last summer, we were getting 7-8 eggs per day from the 9 girls and their laying continued well through the winter, with an average of 5-7 eggs per day. HOWEVER... things have changed and I'm beginning to wonder if they'll ever pick up again! They went through a molt this spring, which would account for the initial drop off in eggs, but since then, I've gotten only a measly 1-3 eggs per day, but usually 2. The girls did develop a raspy cough about a month ago, and after spending hours researching on this site as well as talking to friends and feed store owners I know who raise chickens, I ended up giving them an antibiotic (Tetracycline) in their water for 14 days, followed by one day of Wazine and one day of Rooster Booster Multi Wormer five days later. (Call me a wimp, but I don't do injections!) The coughs have been gone for awhile now and although I've never seen worms in their feces, I though that as long as I was throwing away eggs from the antibiotic and they still weren't laying well, it was worth a try to deworm. The past few days, I have upped their protein and given them kefir and buttermilk to increase intestinal flora (post antibiotics). I'm researching ways to increase protein on a regular basis, as I thought maybe their 16% feed protein level isn't high enough for the intense Houston summers...

In addition to all of this, upon inspecting the girls, I have realized that several of them have pelvic bones which are very close together, signaling that they are not laying. Is it possible to bring these chickens back into a condition to lay again or are they "done" at such a young age? I realize that the three oldest girls are expected to slow down in production, but the others are only 17 months old, so I would hope to at least be getting regular eggs from them.

I would appreciate any and all advice y'all can give!
Thanks! : )
A chicken will lay thru out their entire life but will slow down as they get older. Yours are not there yet. I believe it is because of the hot weather. Mine have also slowed way down. From five a day to two to three a day. We live in New Mexico and have had very hot weather for us. In the upper 90's for about the last three to four weeks. All my animals have slowed down or stopped eating due to the weather.

They should pick back up when the weather cools down a bit. Good luck.
Mine are doing the same also. I have 9 layers ( 1 that is 5yrs and 8 that are 3yrs). I was getting about 6 to 7 eggs a day back in the winter but when spring came on, some went through a molt and egg laying went down hill from there. Egg production has never come back up. We have had a lot (and I mean a lot) of rain and unusually cooler weather for TN. My girls were going in to roost at 5 and 6 in the evening. We feed them in the morning but let them out to free range on 6.5 acres. I then noticed some loose droppings with some round worms and some feather shedding. I thought that this must be the problem so I treated them for worms with Wazine and followed up with Ivermectin but my egg production still hasn't recovered. I get about 1 to 2 eggs a day. The heat is kicking in here now so maybe that has something to do with it. I'm still seeing some feather shedding so my next step is to check for either mites or lice tonight. I'm really perplexed by it all myself. I've never had problems with egg production like this in the 6yrs I've had chickens.

I hope you find out what's going on with you girls and that production picks up for you soon.
After inspection of the hen house. I did find red mites under the shavings on the floor. I checked 2 hens but didn't find any on them but I know that we may still have a mite problem. Soooooooooo now to thoroughly clean the hen house and treat hens. Hopefully this will get things back on track with egg production!

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