Will my chickens get used to their new coop?

Here is something in the category that Blooie mentioned.. And just to clarify things, A TORCH is a term used to identify a FLASH LIGHT. Many of the English speaking peeps on the other side of the POND ( UK and affiliated) use torch rather than flashlight. If you look on Ebay, most flashlights sold from China sellers are also referred to as TORCH.

Here is a link shortcut to it..

Just an update for day 3: They slept on the ground again last night, but this morning I made a few arrangements with the way we had the coop set up and they both went right in and quieted down on the perch almost immediately. Of course now they are back out eating in the run, but I feel so much better that they feel comfortable inside now!

We had a feeder inside the coop and we moved it to the run so there is much more space inside and I cracked the roof with a piece of wood to let some natural light in and they went right in! We also found our first egg this morning!! (in the water dish of all places) - Maybe this will change now with them sleeping inside the coop...fingers crossed!

Thanks again everyone - this community has been so helpful already!

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