Will My Cracked Egg Still Hatch?

Wow, I didn't realize this thread took off so long. When I started this, I had one damaged egg. Unfortunately my make shift incubator light shifted in the night an got too hot. That chick didn't make it.later the other hens trampled the nest again I ended up with 2 chicks hatching in the nest and 4 more broken eggs. I was successful in hatching 1 of the 4. It was pretty amazing.




THANKS for the good advice in this thread. I cracked an egg on day 3...on the air sack end. Put candle wax on from a scented candle which had me really worried. Yesterday we got back from relatives and there was the chick -- just perfectly fine...and 1-day early. It's in the brooder now. I am so glad that I didn't toss the egg. Because my breed is autosexing, I know it is a little cockerel - and I want to keep that genetic blood line going.

Wax was a life-saver....

I am on day three of incubating my BobWhite Quail. Today is the third day and I as I was turning the egg, I accidently dropped it. The egg didn't crack open, it just has a small indent on the big bitten and some vein cracks. I immediately painted nail polish over the cracks. Is the egg still gonna grow and hatch? I'm new at this:)
I am on day three of incubating my BobWhite Quail. Today is the third day and I as I was turning the egg, I accidently dropped it. The egg didn't crack open, it just has a small indent on the big bitten and some vein cracks. I immediately painted nail polish over the cracks. Is the egg still gonna grow and hatch? I'm new at this:)
Hi coucous Lady,

No one can really know. You did all you can. Good luck with the broken one, I hope you DO get it to hatch.
I noticed that one of the eggs my broody's sitting on has a small hole, about the size of a full stop. It's day 3 of incubation. The membrane is still intact. Is it necessary to polish/wax it? Thanks :)
I'm so glad I found this post!! I accidentally cracked an egg, the crack was small and didn't rupture the membrane. I used candle wax to fix the egg! I was worried if it would still hatch!! I have hope now!! Thank you :):):)
Dang it! Just woke up and found one of my 18 day eggs was tossed out of the nest and cracked pretty much all over. Must have hit something on the way down. Ugh!

Ofcourse, I am learning I have a egg stealer as this is the second time my little white hen had absonded eggs from my broody hen just days before they are rrafy to hatch. Its as if she is tio lazy to sit on her own for 21 days, so prrfectly times other broodys to know when to steal and hatch their babies. Live and learn. She wont get a third chance I tell ya.

Soooooo glad I found this thread. I will try everything. You all have given me hope.
my son accidentally put dents in two eggs a couple of days ago. I did not see this thread until now, is it too late to cover them with wax or do you think they will still be ok

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