Will my silkie be a good foster mom?


8 Years
Mar 24, 2011
Mishawaka, Indiana
I have 1 lonely little silkie hen that has to be kept seperate from my RIRs because they pick on her. So, I bought 6 bantams at TSC yesterday (2 silkies, 2 EEs, and 2 cochin, I think) and was thinking when they get a little older (they're probably only 2-3 days old right now) I could put them in the coop with her and she could play 'Mom'.

Has anyone ever done this and how did you go about it? My silkie is dying to be a mother (sitting on anything even remotely egg shaped!) and I think this would give her the boost she needs to kick her depression. I was thinking maybe putting some "eggs" in her coop to let her sit on for a few days and then sneakily replace them with chicks. Do you think she'll fall for it, and accept the babies as her own?

Any input is greatly appreciated

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