Will Pigs Eat Chickens?

I want to let my chickens have access to the pigpen so they can have more room. Will a pig eat the chickens? We do not have the pigs yet, but I want the chickens to have access to the area the pigs will use and am wondering if I can safely let the hens into the pigpen after it is occupied by pigs.
Not every pig will kill a live chicken, it depends on their temperament. But I've seen it happen enough that I wouldn't risk letting my chickens around my pigs unless they were out free ranging in a very large area.
Pigs will eat chickens and other small animals, especially if it gets injured. They are more predator than scavenger.
Oh the tales of trespassers accidentally getting trapped in a hog pen....
I wouldn't proceed with this plan, if it were me.
That makes me think of the movie The Wizard of Oz when the main character falls into the pigpen, they think she is going to die.
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I want to let my chickens have access to the pigpen so they can have more room. Will a pig eat the chickens? We do not have the pigs yet, but I want the chickens to have access to the area the pigs will use and am wondering if I can safely let the hens into the pigpen after it is occupied by pigs.
My experience: No they won't , my chickens go in something when the pigs our eating and doing other things but my dad had pigs when he was a kid and a boar had such big tusks that it cut one in half , so its risky , just if you do have chickens in the pig pen make sure your pigs have enough to eat !
Raise pigs for slaughter (free feed, all they want) and the chickens are pretty safe. Pigs ignore them. I think they’re lazy enough to want nothing to do with chasing down a snack.

Kids fair pigs were being held back a bit for weight slot reasons and being fed morning and night. They each snagged a chicken and had it eaten very quickly.

IMHO if they’re well fed they’ll be fairly safe. But if they are a little hungry, think twice.
I respectfully disagree. Pigs will eat anything they can catch. They're a big part of the reason that wild turkeys and whitetail deer populations are being affected in areas where wild pigs are naturalizing- they eat the eggs, hens on nests, fawns and any young deer they can catch. I worked on a farm when I was a teenager where they had a hog pen and the hogs would catch and eat barn cats. If given the opportunity, they will eat chickens, too.
Very true, we call them hogs in the south, but they will eat anything they can catch & consume dead corpses. They have even been known to attack cattle.

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