Will she be ok?

Chick named Lola

9 Years
Aug 15, 2010
I know with the extreme heat/humidity I should not expect many eggs right now. I am concerned about a hen I have that has been trying unsuccessfully to lay an egg for the past two days. She has sat up in the coop for hours each day trying in vain. She comes out hot, exhausted and weakish. She will eat/drink and then perks back up and back to normal. Is there any reason for concern? Should I try a cool bath since it is hot outside?
That is what I was worried about but didn't know if it was just heat, broody behavior or what. I've only been at this for a year and have much, much more to learn.

I know for eggbound hens you put them in a warm bath to relax them...but when it's soooooooooooooooooo hot?
Anyone? I just need to know what direction to go in. If she's broody, the heat or possibly eggbound I should do something right? She still seems to be acting just like the other girls for now....
I hope she's not eggbound, poor girl.

Thank you guys so much! What wonderful place this is to find people with experience!
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I have no idea how to care for the chicken if she is eggbound. I would suggest posting your question in the "Emergencies/Diseases" section, and you may get a better response. Good Luck:fl

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