will standards pick on bantams?

i have a silkie with standard hens, it works, i can keep bantam hens with standard hens but not bantam roos with stand ard hens. Also, i do not advise keeping ducks with chickens. They are messy and will make your water and feed mixed. Yuck. I keep mine seperate.
What kind of problems have you had with standard hens and bantam roos? We are about to introduce a bantam roo and hen to our flock. We already have 2 bantam hens in the flock with 10 standard hens. The current bantams fit right in. Just curious.
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I introduced a banty roo and hen with my 7 standard hens at about 18 weeks old (long story:rolleyes:). I was not sure it was going to work at first with the hen as they picked on her, but after about a month they are all living well together.

The first day the roo was trying to mate the standard hens. They laid him out flat a couple of times and I have not seen him try again since. He came with the little hen and he is so nice to her. He stands over her and protected her when the hens were not being nice and they always cuddle together on the roost at night. It really is sweet.
My bantam roos do mate with the standard girls, although I don't think their equipment matches up too well. Come to think of it though, the eggs all appear to be fertile.... I haven't had any broody standards to really know though.
What kind of problems have you had with standard hens and bantam roos? We are about to introduce a bantam roo and hen to our flock. We already have 2 bantam hens in the flock with 10 standard hens. The current bantams fit right in. Just curious.

Well, i have one Bantam roo with my standard hens, i put him in young, and things were fine. I tried to introduce a full grown Bantam roo and three of my hens would have killed him if i wouldnt have done anything. I put him in a cage and let him out often, the hens still try to kill him.
I have a banty old english Roo with Silkeys, polish, and easter eggers. No problems really. He may be a little tough on 'the wife' the OEG hen banty he came with, as she 'fits' and the Silkeys are too big and EE has no use for his foolishness. .
---The banty hen and Roo came last, as youngsters and with slow introductions all went well.
I have a flock of RIR, red stars, and black stars and they have a very competitive pecking order and can be downright mean with each other. Moving to a bigger coup in the spring when it is finished and hoping will improve behavior. Since my EE's turned out to be roo's and my mom really wants those blue eggs, I am ordering a few more birds in the spring. Will a couple silkies be ok with my flock of standards, or will they get picked on?

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