Will their be a BYC calendar for 2011?

Great timing! We're actually in the process of getting everything together to submit to the printer. No idea yet when they will be in the store (we won't know until we have shipping confirmed) but we expect they will be out sooner this year than they were last year!
Some even better news! Order has been placed for the new 2011 BYC Calendar. Last year we ran out so this time we ordered a bunch more... but we also have a bunch more members now.

We'll let everyone know when they are available in the store. Here is a mouth watering preview:

Nice! I usually end up recycling my old calendars into wall art--I buy them for the pictures anyway, might as well extend their life, right? Those would look great in the coop or to make coop signs with. Of course, they'd also look great in a frame in the kitchen!

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