Will they ever lay? (pics)

Oh my god, you may be right! I just looked through the breed pics on the site, and she's redder and slimmer than the other BO's, not as nearly dark as the RIR, and doesn't have scattered white feathers like the Red Star. That leaves...New Hampshire Red. Her tail feathers are dark at the tips like the NH pics. Wow, that throws me for a loop. Guess I'll have to change my tagline.

I will post some pics of the girls when they were chicks. I'm pretty sure now from others' photos that they were more like 2 weeks old when we got them. So I will be patient, and Ella, I will skip the light!

Here are my Buff Orpingtons with a NHR in the Back ground

A close up of the NHR
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My girls are not laying either....I have 3 GLW that hatched 5/15 and 2 slw hatched 7/20 and one Barred rock also 7/20 - I know my young girls are too young still but I check almost everyday and nothing from Dot or Lutzie. Also my rooster has yet to crow but is definately a rooster. I am feeding now on FRM layer crumbles and let them free range daily but also am on hawk watch. There is a pretty nice Florida Red Tail that has been very interested in my chickens to have once landed on the property and flew up to the top of the coop - I have two catawabe "a" frames side by side - my girls all went upstairs and the hawk flew away. I thought the hawk was a tad cheeky to go so close with me outside. They can free range inside the coop as I can move the coop too.

Good luck on eggs - I think yours will lay before mine do.
Jax FL
I had given up on their laying until the spring...and then today we got our first egg!! It was from Layla, the barred rock. I suspected she was squatting last week, but I wasn't sure. She is about 29 weeks. I hope the other three catch on quick.



(She actually laid it in the run; this is just a photo op)


Layla, the proud "mom"
congrats!!!! I know, it feels like you wait FOREVER on those first eggs... but it is better if they don't start laying too young. Hope the other girls will follow soon. I had to wait 4 weeks between # 1 and # 2 starting.....But never had anything but perfect eggs
They are beautiful! I have a lot of pullets and hens, all different breeds and ages. Only two started laying at or before 20 weeks (one Leghorn, one Easter Egger) Most started around 25-30 weeks. I have some that are over 10 months old and haven't laid a single egg yet (Silkies, Ameraucanas, a couple RIR, and even a Leghorn) I have no idea why some are so late in laying. You woulda thought all of mine would be laying by now. I have some 20 something week old Production Red pullets who I'm not even going to count on laying any time in the near future, since several of my much much older hens haven't started yet. I only have a few hens that are laying good now: 5 White Leghorns, 1 EE, 1 BO, 1 SLW, and 1 RIR. I get 3-7 eggs a day between them. None of the other girls are laying with the exception of my OEGB hens who lay an egg every now and again.

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