will they ever lay?


6 Years
Jul 28, 2013
New Hampshire
Hi All
I added 4 new chicks to my flock 31 weeks ago and only one of them(SLW) has started to lay
with winter arriving will they just wait till spring?
they are 2 silver laced wyandottes and 2 polish
Pullets that mature in the fall/winter tend take longer to start laying. The shortening days does slow down their rate of development. The good news is that tomorrow is the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. After that, the days will start getting longer again, signaling to the birds that spring and warm weather is on the way. Laying should start as soon as the days are long enough, usually sometime in January or February.
I can only speak from my experience, but I have all of the breed that you just mentioned. They were hatched in late June (26th) and ALL of them are laying. I sell my eggs, so I am collecting between 20 -25 eggs every day and I've just about identified what is coming from who. I have 32 hens/pullets and one rooster.

Your birds could start laying anytime! Are you in an area that has very limited daylight hours? As Junebugga commented, this can really affect things. I live in NW Florida and I do provide supplemental lighting.

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