Will this building work?

Call your local Hot Tub dealer and see who they use to crane hot tubs into place. Usually they use a smaller crane that is mounted to a flatbed truck and just lift them onto the truck, drive to the next location and then set it exactly where you want it. No backing up into the yard, not tearing up the sod, etc. Probably could just pluck it out of the snowbank if it's already up on blocks. It shouldn't be expensive.
Nope. It has to warm up quite a bit. I have to move a bunch of my junk out of my mother's garage so I can then move the stuff from the shed into her garage.

Then I need to find someone to move it. A couple of people have suggest the local car towing guy. The way that its set up is going to make it difficult to get at.

They can't back a truck rear end up to it. They have to back next to the shed and then get it onto the flatbed or whatever.
I think that I would find someone to move it and get a price before I moved all the stuff.

Good luck. Looks like a really nice coop if you can get it moved.
LOL! Yeah, I have to move the stuff anyways! She wants her house back. When I moved back in I kind of took over, so now that I have my own place it's time to clear out!
Can you see how it's constructed well enough to take it apart to move it? Just one thought, and it may be a bad one. I just worry if you try and move it without someone with expertise in the matter.

I wouldn't spend $250 to move the structure whole, since it will take a lot to shore it up. It might be good deal for the space, but do you need that much space?

We have built two barn/sheds in the last three years, an 12x16 and an 8x7. Seems like the 8x7 was less than half of the 12x16 to build, maybe even a third. My husband is saying $500 for the 8x7, and we built it this big in case the neighbors busted us to the sheriff for the chickens, we'd still have a useful structure. We also already had a concrete pad (which we had to remove a half collapsed tin shed from) thus the odd size of 8x7. One major factor in getting a shed up is I'm able to help, and I was squawking myself when we moved those walls.

Reasons the 12x16 cost more: We had to make a foundation of 4" cinderbrick and treated 6x8 timber, we had an overhead/garage door on the front, it had overhead storage and a gambrel roof (so 4x rather than 2x the roof material), and we had an OSB (chip board) underskin with a covering of pre-primed siding (similar to what I see on the outside of this shed.) Also, we put 3/4 in plywood floors because it was for motorcycle parking, though just last night my husband was lamenting we didn't keep chickens in that "shed".

My husband also votes for you to take it apart into wall sections to move.

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