Wind turbines--small--got one!

DBF got it up. Not running yet, he still has to do some wiring and hook up the inverters, but it should hopefully be going in a few days. Too bad because the last 2 days have been pretty windy.
DBF got everything on after getting a DVD on solar panels and wind turbines. DVD is called POWER4HOME System 2.0 Do it Yourself Learning Videos & Guides, Solar & Wind Energy.

He's working on it right now. He has it at 12 feet but the turbine barely moves, so he's adding another 20 feet to it tomorrow.
I have wanted to get wind power of some sort....Did some research..I live in the FLAT and WINDY Pueblo, CO area. Good for wind. Looking into GOV help, not good.

So with all that said, my son got a book for my birthday called "home grown wind power". It takes you through everything to make a wind generator at home with household tools.

I've been looking through it, looks good. Right now, cleaning the property and getting something to grow is #1!

If I get around to getting on it, I'll update ya'.

Meantime, if you have any grasp of Mech and Elec, then check out the book!!!


Can't wait to hear updates on your experience. I live in Michigan also, and my mother and I just opened a garden center on her property...for the minimal electrical requirements, I want to try both solar and wind, but the wind sure does wail like an angry banshee almost all the time!!!

If your initial pole was only 12' high, you must have a pretty small unit....

- What were the foundation requirements for it?
- What supports it currently?
- Will you have to change the supports when you increase the height?
- What is the Kw output and at what sustained windspeed?

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