wing feathering


Warrior Princess
11 Years
Jun 1, 2008
i have noticed that some of my week old chicks wing feathering is uniform and looks much like the feathers should. some of the chicks wings look like the feathers are growing at a slower different rate and it's like the primary feathers have a gap between them and the smaller secondaries. anyone know why?
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Some breeds are BRED so that the chicks can be sexed at hatch/1 day. Very few breeds are this way, but the females will get feathers faster.

I am not saying you can sex your chicks...but it is possible if the conditions are right.
What breed are the chicks?
They start to grow featers when they're just a few days old.
they are pure cochin, but now i am looking a little harder it looks like the primary feathers are growing out faster than the secondaries?
just looks a little "un-neat" if you know what i mean.i guess i just haven't noticed this before?
Look at the tail feathers. Pulletts grow wing and tail feathers out much faster than cockerels. Especially if you are looking at chicks of the same age and breed, you should be able to spot the boys from the girls, as the girls will have tails sticking up and their wing feathers will start to grow all the way to their backs, as opposed to the stumpy wing feathers and lack of tail on the boys.

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