Wing problem


7 Years
Apr 29, 2012
Montgomery County, Ohio
I've noticed on one of my females, her wings aren't like the others.

On her right wing, when she makes herself taller and flaps her wings, only one really extends. Her right wing doesn't seem to extend all the way like it should. At first I though, she was doing it on purpose, but I've never seen her stretch that wing all the way out. I've tried to gentley extend it, but with her moving around, I stopped before something bad could happen.

On her ledt wing, some feathers stick out. Not sure if it could be considered angel wing or not. I have noticed the other 3 don't have this.
Here's a picture to show what it is. Arrow is pointing to the feathers in question.

Anything I could do about these 2 wing issues?

Other than these, she's healthy as can be. Eyes are bright, feathers nice, she moves around, eat and drinks fine. She's a great little duck.
I wouldn't worry too much about the wing that doesn't extend fully, as long as it folds up neatly.

With the one that sticks out a bit, are the feathers that stick out the ones on the last joint of the wing? It's a little hard to tell from the pic although that is what it looks like to me. If it is the feathers on the last joint then it may be the early stages of what can turn into angel wing. It might be worth wrapping just that wing. Do you have any tape you can use? Vet wrap with masking tape around it is good - something that won't stick to the feathers underneath and then something stickier on top to hold it all together.

Lovely coloured ducks, by the way. So pretty! :)
They stick out more towards the last joint of the wing, but they actually come from the first joint.

Is their a certain way I should wrap the wing?

Awh, thank you. The picture really doesn't do them justice.
Here's a thread that shows how to wrap. The main thing is to fold the wing in a normal position then wrap it so it stays in that position. Vet wrap is a good base because it won't stick to festhers but you may need to put masking tape or medical paper tape over the top to hold it on. It helps to have a helper to hold the duck.


Hope it goes ok! :)
For now, I'm holding off. The feather(s) seem to be laying flat now. Go figure, they stick out for 3 days and I go and get vet wrap to wrap it and it's laying flat.

I thought maybe she or the other ducks pluked it, but couldn't find any sign of feathers.
Sometimes the feathers do start to lay properly by themselves. If that's happened that's great! I think that if others had been biting at the feathers you'd see some blood, as broken pin feathers can bleed.

At least you have the vet wrap handy if you need it :)

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