Wing trimming- what age?

The Coastal Chicks

In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 29, 2010
I just lost my first chicken tonight to the neighbors dog...: (
I have 7 week old Ameracuna's.... I would rather free range... than 100% coop/run...

I think that as long as you've got wing feathers and scissors, you can clip 'em. I have a 5-week-old with a wing injury that I had to clip feathers on, and he is doing just fine.
I clipped the wings on one of my chicks for that reason. My neighbor has the biggest wiemeraner I have ever seen. I found my Buff orpington roosting on the ceiling fan on our back porch at 9 weeks. Took me forever to figure out where she was. Gave me a fright so I clipped a wing. You tube had some good videos about the subject.

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