Winter Changes...


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 28, 2011
I have my coop, which has a small open window for air cirrculation. Two wood roost, 3 nesting boxes, pine shaving floors. And in the run I have the food and water. This morning in Georgia, the water froze, their is ice on the ground. I also have a broody hen who has been sitting for about 2 weeks.
Should I get a heater for the water? close the window? It does seem that cold to me when I am in there at ight checking on them, but when it gets to freezing temperatures, I don't know.

thank you
Just my opinion, but: I think I would not put heat in the coop. The broody will keep her babies warm, and they will be healthy and hardy. I doubt that it usually stays cold in Georgia for many days at a time. The birds will be better off acclimating to the weather than taking a chance on having a power outtage during a snow storm, and them not being accustomed to cold weather. Just make sure there is plenty of ventilation, so the moisture in the coop can't build up and cause frostbite. You could use the search feature on this forum to get good advice about ventilation/supplemental heat/frostbite.
I am not using any heat for my coop and one of my girls is going through a molt. She has lost a lot of feathers but she seems to be doing well. Chickens generate heat themselves. What I am doing is putting in a heated water bowl to prevent the water from freezing and that's about it. I got the bowl from amazon for 15 bucks.
I agree with so lucky and LadiesMan017
Except for a few breeds, most breeds of chickens commonly keep are cold hardy. They seem to love cold weather, especially mine.
As long as you have enough ventilation and areas that they can be blocked from extremely cold winds and snow. My coop is set up were the wind is not directly entering the coop. The heated water would be a good idea if you don't want to go out everyday and break up the ice.
And I would not worry too much about the broody, because she should adjust herself to properly incubate and hatch her eggs. The resulting chicks will be just fine.
A good broody/mama hen is the best incubator in the world.

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