winter laying behavior?


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 9, 2011
Oakland, CA
Hi folks,

a couple of my 8-9 month old hens are doing some funky things with
their laying right now and i was wondering if this is normal.

My buff orpington, totally healthy, perky, keeps going back into her
nest after she has already laid and the egg has been removed. She
seems to take a bit of time to lay too, like 30 minutes or so, and
sometimes emerges with no egg laid and does the egg song anyway. she
usually lays about 4 eggs a week.

My sebright takes a long time to lay, and also sometimes emerges with
no egg. also totally normal and perky. her last egg was a little
pointy at the end with a few wrinkles, but otherwise totally normal in
color, yolk, shell.

wondering if this is just winter funkiness? it's been a little colder
than usual, their first winter.

we live in oakland, ca.

thanks for your feedback!
completely normal, don't worry. I have 16 hens and did not get one single egg yesterday. You will also notice that eggs will come in all shapes and sizes and sometimes really weird looking.
Monitor your Sebright and her eggs. Wrinkled eggs could possibly be a sign of Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV.) Watery whites would confirm IBV. There would be other symptoms showing in her as well. Sometimes extreme temperature changes, especially heat related can cause a wrinkled egg or two. Additionally, changes in the egg laying innards can cause wrinkles. It might be nothing to worry about at all, but monitor just in case. Here's a link, scroll down to Infectious Bronchitis and read if you wish:
How long does it typically take for a hen to lay an egg once she sits in the nest? A couple of mine were sitting forever while I was in the coop this morning. One was picking up leaves and building the nest up around her.
It varies in regards how long it takes a hen to lay an egg while on the nest. I'm sure that age can be a factor, possibly breeds as well but I'm not sure about that. When I had Leghorns, they were in and out of the nest before you knew it...they didnt mess around when it came to laying an egg. My Barred Rocks when they were younger seemed to take their time laying an egg. I've seen a few of mine pick hay up and build the nest up like yours, more solitude for them or possible broodiness, instinct plays a roll as well.

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