Winter Question

You don't want drafts on the birds in cold weather. The air pockets in down that provide insulation are lost if they get a wind. With making a wind shield on 3 sides of your run I'd think you covered the blowing wind problem that may occur in a too ventilated coop. There's really never too much ventilation but there can be no wind.

Climate zone 3a here with no heat or insulation. Temps can hit -30F or less but that's less than a handful of nights, one to two week period of no high above singe digit is typical every winter though.
Don't worry about your chickens getting cold, they can cope well with very, very severe cold temperatures as long as it is dry. It is the combination of cold and dampness that is dangerous to chickens. Do not think about heat but think about more ventilation. As long as the cold air is not blowing directly on the chickens- the ventilation needs to be above and below their roosts. Chicken coops get very damp at night because of chicken's breath and their poo (poop.) I have written a guide to the "perfect" chicken coop and run. Section 18 (Ventilation) might be of interest to you. Click on the quick navigation (orange buttons) for 18 and you will be taken straight to the appropriate sections, which are a collection of the best ideas that you will find on the Internet. The article is here
Thanks everyone. I guess I have most of it covered then. I've read a LOT about this, but then personal experiences are always different than what you read. I appreciate the reassurance that the chickies will be fine. =) They have a draft free & dry chicken yard and are happy little critters.

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